HST Regency Government Receives Excellent Appreciation for Public Service Index Achievements

“The HST Regency Government is ranked sixth in Regency/City Public Service Delivery Performance Nationally and for this success, the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor was pleased to give appreciation”

Deputy Regent of HST, H Mansyah Sabri received appreciation from the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor (photo credit: TABIRkota/mc hst)

BARABAI (TABIRkota) — The Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Regency Government (Pemkab) succeeded in receiving excellent appreciation for its Public Service Index achievements from the Regional Secretariat Organization Bureau of South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel).

According to the Deputy Regent of HST, H Mansyah Sabri, the award was handed over to the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor at Mahligai Pancasila Banjamasin on Tuesday (21/5) yesterday.

“The Governor’s appreciation is a proud achievement, the result of the maximum performance of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and all parties,” he said in Barabai, the capital of HST, Wednesday (22/5).

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The success that has been achieved must be maintained and further improved in the implementation of service quality so that it can be felt by the community, he said.

“Hopefully, the appreciation given by the Governor will be a motivation for us to continue to improve public services,” he said.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of PANRB Number 795 2023 concerning the Results of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Service Delivery Performance (PEKPPP), the HST Regency Government is ranked sixth in Regency/City Public Service Delivery Performance nationally.

For this success, the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor was pleased to give appreciation as a form of appreciation to the HST Regency Government.

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The South Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov) is committed to continuing to implement bureaucratic reform consistently and sustainably.

This commitment is in the form of a clean, effective, and competitive democracy in providing the best service to the community.

This is demonstrated through giving appreciation and awards to agencies that excel in providing quality public services and innovating.

The HST Regency Government’s PEKPPP score was recorded, in North Labuan Amas District with an index of 4.46 (A-), the Social Service for Family Planning Population Control 4.42 (A-), and the Haji Damanhuri Barabai Hospital 4.67 (A) with an average index Prime category, namely 4.52 (A).

BACA JUGA :  Dukung UMKM di HST, YBM BRILiaN Barabai Berikan Sembilan Gerobak dan Modal Usaha

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