HST Regency Government Wins SAKIP Award KemenPAN-RB

“HST succeeded in achieving a score of 70.20 on SAKIP and was entitled to the title BB or Very Good”

BARABAI (TABIRkota) – The District Government (Pemkab) of Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel) won the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) Award from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Ministry of PAN-RB) of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to the Acting Regent of HST, Faried Fakhmansyah, the award was handed over by the Minister of PAN-RB, Abdullah Azwar Anas, at the Bidakara Hotel in Jakarta on Wednesday (2/10).

“The award was given because HST succeeded in achieving a score of 70.20 on SAKIP and was entitled to the title BB or Very Good,” he said in Barabai, the capital of HST, Thursday (3/10).

He said the HST District Government’s SAKIP assessment previously achieved a score of 68.33 with a B predicate, and now it has experienced an increase.

“We must be proud of the increase in the SAKIP assessment and the awards we have received,” he said.

He said this award resulted from the hard work of all regional officials who consistently strived to improve performance in various sectors.

“The achievements that have been achieved should be used as motivation to continue to improve the performance of all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD),” he said.

The final result of implementing SAKIP development is increased welfare and better community services.

By winning this award, it is hoped that the performance of all regional apparatus in serving the community can continue to improve.


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