Hulu Sungai Tengah Regent Receives the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture’s Award

“2023, the SPM index at HST still had the status of Completed Young (Tuntas Muda) with a figure of 61.61 and increased in 2024 to 84.57 so that the status became Completed Middle (Tuntas Madya)”

BARABAI (TABIRkota) – The Regent of Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel), H Aulia Oktafiandi received an award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

The award was given for success in achieving the highest Minimum Service Standards (SPM) index in the field of education in South Kalimantan.

The award was presented through the South Kalimantan Education Quality Assurance Center (BPMP) at the 2024 Education Report Card Expose event at the Regent’s Hall in Barabai, the capital of HST, on Thursday (28/3).

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H Aulia Oktafiandi said, that in 2023, the SPM index at HST still had the status of Completed Young with a figure of 61.61 and increased in 2024 to 84.57 so that the status became Completed Middle.

“The results of this assessment illustrate how far we have achieved in improving the quality of education in the region,” he said.

These results, he said, are not only a reflection of performance but also as evaluation material to continue to improve the quality of education.

“It is important that all parties work together to identify problems, find solutions, and implement concrete actions to improve the quality of education at HST,” he said.

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The education report card obtained, he added, is expected to be a basis for continuing to move forward in improving the quality and quality of education.

“To all components of local government, education units, and society, let’s continue to collaborate in improving the quality of education,” said H Aulia Oktafiandi.

Upoader: Zidna Rahmana


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Sen Apr 1 , 2024
TABIRkota Post Views: 163 BACA JUGA :  Wabup HST Hadiri Upacara Peringatan Hari Lahir Pancasila

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