“a lump storage warehouse is a place to store rubber so that the quality is maintained”
“The success of winning this award makes the HST Regency Government the only district in South Kalimantan, even in Kalimantan, to receive the 2024 Merdeka Belajar Award”
“For his success in winning first place, Ilung has the right to take part in the fifth stage of selection, namely field verification to compete for national champion”
“The award is clear proof that HST Regency Government’s are not only focused on achieving high levels of budget management but also prioritizing optimal performance in implementing its distribution”
“In the house renovation program, each unit was allocated Rp. 25 million with a total of 335 recipients, consisting of 265 uninhabitable houses and 70 houses in slum areas”
“Clean Friday is a form of regional government attention and program in realizing the vision and mission of HST which is prosperous, superior, and dynamic”
“The HST Education Department will accept with open arms any comprehensive suggestions or input, especially regarding teachers who work in remote areas”
“The HST Regency Government is ranked sixth in Regency/City Public Service Delivery Performance Nationally and for this success, the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor was pleased to give appreciation”
“HST Regency Government has sent satellite data regarding the area of protected forest in the Meratus mountain area which will be used as an object for calculating carbon values”
“The success of achieving the WTP title is the result of hard work and good cooperation between the government and the community”