HST Regency Government Receives Simultaneous Family Planning Services Award

“The HST Regency Government also succeeded in winning second place in the Achievement Appreciation category based on the Total Service Target at the South Kalimantan Province Level”

BARABAI (TABIRkota) – The District Government (Pemkab) of Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel), received an award in the category of District that is Fastest to Achieve the Target of 100 Percent in Simultaneous Family Planning Services.

According to the Head of the Family Planning Population Control (PPKB) Division of the PPKB PPPA HST Social Service, Hj Masitah, the award was handed over by the Head of the South Kalimantan BKKBN Representative, Farah Adibah, to coincide with the commemoration of World Contraception Day which was held at the Nasa Hotel Banjarmasin, Monday (21/10).

“The award presentation was carried out at the Workshop on Strengthening Postpartum Family Planning Policies and Strategies in 2024,” he said in Barabai, the capital of HST, Tuesday (22/10).

The HST Regency Government also succeeded in winning second place in the Achievement Appreciation category based on the Total Service Target at the South Kalimantan Province Level.

The success of the HST Regency Government in achieving the target quickly, he said, was carried out through the implementation of various effective strategies.

“These effective strategies include socializing district targets, FGD target timelines, and daily monitoring of targets per Family Planning Center,” he said.

Another strategy that supports this achievement is a commitment to cooperation between various parties, such as the Health Service, RSUD, IBI, PKB/PLKB, TNI, Polri, PKK, and cadres in the field.

He said monitoring was carried out every day through the NEW SIGA reporting system with quick responses to achievements and obstacles in the field.

“Action steps taken to support the achievement of target acceptors, including the development of promotion and socialization based on local culture, careful planning, and distribution as well as development of a balanced strategy involving midwives, family planning instructors, PLKB, and family planning program managers,” he said.

Through implementing these various strategies, the HST Regency Government has succeeded in strengthening family planning services and making a major contribution to the success of the family planning program in South Kalimantan.


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