Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Government Discusses Special Insurance for Remote Area Teachers

“The HST Education Department will accept with open arms any comprehensive suggestions or input, especially regarding teachers who work in remote areas”

HST Regent, H Aulia Oktafiandi and local TP PKK Chair, Cheri Bayuni Budjang with teaching staff and students on one occasion (photo credit: TABIRkota/ist)

BARABAI (TABIRKota) — The government of Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel) through the Education Service (Disdik) is planning to provide special insurance for teachers who work in remote areas.

The Regent of HST, H Aulia Oktafiandi, through the Head of the Education Department, Muhammad Anhar, said that providing insurance could be considered if there was a proposal.

“Providing insurance is possible and if there is a suggestion we will explore where it (insurance) will go,” he said when met by at the HST Education Office, on Tuesday (28/5).

He admitted that the field of work for teachers in the HST region, especially the Meratus mountainous area, is known to be extreme.

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“It doesn’t matter if there will be special costs for additional components, including insurance,” he said.

The HST Education Department will accept with open arms any comprehensive suggestions or input, especially regarding teachers who work in remote areas.

However, he said, if the teacher concerned is a State Civil Apparatus (ASN), then insurance is included in BPJS Health.

“Except for those who are contract workers, there is National Health Insurance (JKN) which we pay, the items include work accidents by BPJS Employment provisions,” he added.

It is hoped that teaching staff working in remote areas will pay more attention to educational services and accept quite difficult terrain as part of the challenges and struggle.

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