Basarnas Banjarmasin – PT Angkasa Pura I Signs MoU to Organize Aircraft Accident SAR Operations

“This memorandum of understanding is the initial evidence of Basarnas Banjarmasin’s response time readiness together with Syamsudin Noor Airport if an aircraft accident occurs”

General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I, Dony Subardono (left) with the Head of Basarnas Banjarmasin, Al Amrad (right) after signing the MoU (photo credit: TABIRkota/hms sar bjm)

BANJARBARU (TABIRkota) – Banjarmasin Class B Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas), South Kalimantan (Kalsel) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT Angkasa Pura I.

The signing was carried out by the Head of Basarnas Banjarmasin, Al Amrad with the General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I, Dony Subardono in the PT Angkasa Pura Meeting Room at Banjarbaru, capital of South Kalimantan, Thursday (2/5).

Al Amrad said the signing was carried out to increase synergy in the implementation of search and rescue (SAR) operations for aircraft accidents at the Syamsudin Noor Airport area.

“The signing of the memorandum of understanding this time is an extension of the memorandum of understanding that was previously signed in 2021,” he said.

With a memorandum of understanding, he said, coordination will be easier if undesirable things happen.

“Especially regarding aviation accidents within or outside the Syamsudin Noor Airport area,” he said.

Basarnas is the front guard in the search and rescue function, so with this collaboration, it is hoped that good synergy will continue to be established to increase response and success in handling emergencies.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura, Dony Subardono, said that signing a memorandum of understanding was the airport’s obligation to ensure safety guarantees.

“When an accident occurs outside the scope of the airport, that becomes Basarnas’s task area,” he said.

For this reason, he said, it is necessary to carry out routine training and good coordination between airport officials and Basarnas.

“I hope that the memorandum of understanding that has been signed can become a spirit of guaranteeing safety,” he said.

This memorandum of understanding is the initial evidence of Basarnas Banjarmasin’s response time readiness together with Syamsudin Noor Airport if an aircraft accident occurs.

Also present at the signing of the memorandum of understanding was the Head of the Central Basarnas Legal and Cooperation Bureau (Kabiro), Didi Hamzar.


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