Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Holds 2024 Creative Bazaar to Promote MSMEs

“The 2024 Creative HST Bazaar can help MSMEs to be competitive and known to the public, both locally and outside the region”

Teguh Vagetoz performed entertainingly at the top event of the 2024 HST Creative Bazaar (photo credit: TABIRkota/ferian sadikin)

BARABAI (TABIRKota) — The District Government (Pemkab) of Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel) is holding the 2024 Creative HST Bazaar as an effort to encourage the promotion of local Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The 2024 Creative HST Bazaar can help MSMEs to be competitive and known to the public, both locally and outside the region, said the Regent of HST, H Aulia Oktafiandi through the Head of the local National Unity and Political Agency (Bakesbangpol), Mardiono.

“It is hoped that the 2024 Creative HST Bazaar can help improve MSMEs, especially in the tourism sector,” he said when opening the bazaar activities at Dwi Warna Field, Barabai, Saturday (20/4).

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Head of the HST Youth, Sports and Tourism Service (Disporapar), Muhammad Ramadlan, said the bazaar aims to create, promote and market creative economy products as well as provide a vehicle for local appreciation.

“To enliven and attract public interest, various entertainment will be held during the week-long bazaar, from April 20 to 26,” he said.

The bazaar was filled with various activities such as e-sports competitions, Coffee Battle, Arts and Culture Appreciation Stage, and the Men’s and Women’s Tourism Grand Final.

“At the bazaar, there are 72 tents, consisting of one main stage, two ceremony tents, 19 main tents, 47 MSME tents, and three tents for public facilities,” he added.

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Through the 2024 Creative HST Bazaar, it is hoped that it can encourage more advanced regional economic growth and give birth to new entrepreneurs.

Uploader: Zidna Rahmana


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