Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency – PT Indonesia Blockchain Persada MoU on Utilizing the Economic Value of Carbon

“HST Regency Government has sent satellite data regarding the area of ​​protected forest in the Meratus mountain area which will be used as an object for calculating carbon values”

The Regent of HST, H Aulia Oktafiandi and the local Regional Secretary, H Muhammad Yani with the Managing Director of PT Indonesia Blockchain Persada, Muhammad Yafi, after signing the MoU (photo credit: TABIRkota/ist)

BARABAI (TABIRkota) – The District Government (Pemkab) of Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), South Kalimantan (Kalsel) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Indonesia Blockchain Persada regarding the Utilization of Carbon Economic Value.

The signing of the MoU was carried out by the Regent of HST, H Aulia Oktafiandi together with the President Director (Director) of PT Indonesia Blockchain Persada, Muhammad Yafi in the Auditorium of the local Regent’s Office, on Monday (13/5).

The MoU is an effort by the HST Regency Government to encourage the use of economic value while preserving the environment, H Aulia Oktafiandi said.

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“As well as a commitment to save the Meratus mountain area for future generations,” he said.

HST Regional Secretary (Sekda), Muhammad Yani added, that the HST Regency Government has sent satellite data regarding the area of ​​protected forest in the Meratus mountain area which will be used as an object for calculating carbon values.

“Furthermore, data will follow on land owned by people who want to participate in carbon credits,” he added.

According to him, field verification will be carried out next June to find out how much carbon can be absorbed in protected forest areas.

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“Even though this is the authority of the central government, at least we have the data,” he said.

In the next stage, the HST District Government will prepare a draft Regional Regulation (Perda) regarding regional companies that will manage carbon credits, by the direction of the Financial Services Authority or OJK.

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of PT Indonesia Blockchain Persada, Muhammad Yafi, said that his party would carry out the measurement, reporting, and verification of the MRV process according to the methodology approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

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“For data integration, blockchain technology will be used so that it can be listed on local and international carbon exchanges,” he said.

The HST District Government itself, in its efforts to preserve the environment, has implemented various programs, such as requiring ASN to plant trees, reducing the use of single-use plastic, and others.

Uploader: Zidna Rahmana


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