300 Dancers Celebrate World Dance Day in Hulu Sungai Tengah

“The 300 dancers who took part in the event were students from 17 schools at HST who not only performed traditional dances but also performed modern dances”

Students perform the traditional Tapung Tawar Dance at the 2024 World Dance Day celebration at HST (photo credit: TABIRkota/ferian sadikin)

BARABAI (TABIRKota) — 300 dancers enlivened the celebration of World Dance Day 2024 in Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Regency, South Kalimantan (Kalsel).

The celebration, which began with a carnival of dancers, was opened by the HST Regional Secretary (Sekda), H Muhammad Yani at the Barabai Dwi Warna Art Stall, on Sunday (28/4).

This dance day celebration was the first to be held at HST.

“The Regent of HST, H Aulia Oktafiandi, really supports and facilitates this celebration which is filled with various activities, one of which is a dance performance,” said H Muhammad Yani.

Chief Executive of the World Dance Day Celebration, Ansyari Rahmat, said that the 300 dancers who participated in the event were students from 17 schools in HST.

“Not only traditional dances, the students also performed modern dances,” he said.

The goal added Ansyari, is for students to develop a love for dance from an early age.

“Currently, the graph of students’ love for dance is increasing rapidly, which is of course very encouraging because there is the next generation of dance,” he added.

The celebration of World Dance Day, which is celebrated every April 29, is an effort to preserve and develop cultural arts in the field of dance that takes place internationally.


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